Exclusionary zoning and redlining have historically excluded people of color from living in cities across LA County and building generational wealth. Mixed-income housing in resource-rich neighborhoods will lead to more affordable housing.
Our Campaign
Policies that remove housing barriers
Outdated housing policies exacerbate the current economic crisis that is pricing out low-income communities. To ensure both public and private sectors build housing that people can afford, we need local and state governments to update legislation and zoning ordinances that continue to segregate communities.
Our Impact
Diverse and equitable communities
Both modifications to housing policies statewide and enforcement of updated zoning ordinances locally will accelerate the production of affordable multifamily housing—particularly in communities with predominantly single-family residences. More communities will benefit from increased discretionary income, decreased commute times, and greater access to green spaces.
Affordable Housing
Zoning changes that encourage the development of affordable housing in a wider range of neighborhoods can improve housing affordability for all residents—and reduce economic disparities.Equitable Resources
Mixed-income housing in resource-rich neighborhoods provides historically marginalized communities greater access quality education, healthcare, and employment opportunities.Racial Justice
Exclusionary policies contribute to the housing instability that many low-income communities of color face today. Policies that prioritize equity ensure our housing system has greater accountability.Take Action
Increase availability and affordability of housing
The demand for affordable housing is clear, but we need the political will to overturn restrictive practices and streamline responsible housing production. Join us as we mobilize our elected representatives to adopt and modify legislation to meet our communities’ need for stable housing.